Friday, September 14, 2012

Ultrasound and Echo Updates

Yesterday was a big day for little miss Josie (and her parents). She had not one but two 'photo shoots!'

First up was the anatomy ultrasound. The technician took us back a room with multiple beds and machines (I am thinking it is used for NSTs). She said it wasn't the normal room she uses and mentioned that she hadn't used the machine she was able to use since January. Okay... So she gets started and basically tells us nothing besides 'there is a foot' and 'I am measuring the brain'. I guess it is normal that ultrasound technicians not tell you about the things they see; that is the job for the doctors. However, the technician who did many of Sophie's ultrasounds told us everything. She was cranky and very blunt, but I kinda missed kinda missed her yesterday. I had questions about the umbilical cord and growth that I wanted answered and this technician wasn't budging. Anyway, after about 5 minutes of working her magic, she told us that we needed to go back out to the waiting room. She wanted to use the machine in another room and had to wait for it to be free. Joe and I were confused. Why would she start an ultrasound and then tell us she was going to redo it? I started to think that maybe she was getting a doctor because she found something wrong. Ten minutes later she called us back and lead us to the new room. She continued with her scans, randomly announcing an arm moving or something else that I couldn't see. (I wasn't a huge fan of her...can you tell?) Then all of a sudden she zooms in on a spot and says, "Those three white lines means you are having a girl." Man, no build up or warning that we were about to find out our baby's gender. I barely had time to smile with happiness before she took the wand off my stomach and told us that she was finished. Geez... I left feeling kind of dazed. On the one hand I was ecstatic about finding out that my baby is a girl. On the other hand I was baffled and annoyed by the experience we just had. I'm not saying that the technician needed to be warm and bubbly and chatty, but her lack of a personality kind of ruined things. She could have at least let us look at our daughter for a minute before hurrying us out of the room...

So after leaving that somewhat disappointing ultrasound, we headed over to Children's Hospital for the fetal echo. Things went much better here. Not only did we get back quickly, but the technician and nurse were both very friendly and helpful. The technician would also throw out little bits of info, like when Josie had the hiccups or how she was trying to grab her foot at one point. I appreciated those little things. (That other technician could have learned a thing or two from this one). After the echo was finished, the doctor came in to go over the results with us. He said that everything looked perfect! He did mention that there is a possibility that she could have a bicuspid valve that is very minor (like Sophie's) that they might not be able to see. He didn't seem very concerned by this and even said that we wouldn't need to have an echo done on Josie after she is born unless we were really worried and wanted it done for piece of mind. Nah. He reiterated that everything looked great before sending us on our way. I felt so much better after this appointment. Even if we didn't know about Josie's umbilical cord or her size we at least knew that she has a great heart. I finally felt that I was able to smile and get excited about our baby girl!

Today I went for a check-up with my doctor. He found Josie's heartbeat right away (not like that scary experience the last time I had a check-up) and said things sounded great. Then he looked at her ultrasound results. He told us everything looks perfect! All 3 vessels are there in her umbilical cord, her brain looks good, and she is in the 48% percentile for size! Whooo hoooo!  My little Josie is doing great so far! I am so happy and relieved!

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