Wednesday, September 26, 2012

21 Weeks

Well, the stomach bug hit our house this week. Around 4 am Sunday morning I woke up puking. Felt gross all day Sunday, but Monday was okay for me. Tuesday was a whole other story. About 5 minutes before we left home in the morning, I got sick again. As I was puking, Sophie was asking if I was okay. I got her to leave so she didn't have to watch me and then I heard her screaming/crying in the other room. I stopped what I was doing to give her a hug, and smelled poop. Diarrhea to be exact. We both stayed home and snuggled up on the coach. Josie was gentle with her kicks and turns, which was nice. I can't imagine what it is going to be like when I have two kids and I am sick.

How far along? 21
Maternity clothes? Yup
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: I've been sleeping well this week
Best moment this week: Feeling Josie roll around and kick. No more little flutters!
Miss Anything? Well, I have missed Coke Zero so much that I broke down and had one earlier this week. I savored it over 2 hours at school. Josie was bouncing all over the place.
Movement: Oh yeah!
Food cravings:  None
Anything making you queasy or sick: Everything seemed to this week.
Any pregnancy complications?: None this week. My sciatic nerve has actually been behaving itself. I guess it knew I was going to get the stomach bug and decided to give me a break.

Have you started to show yet: Yup
Gender: Girl

Looking forward to: Hearing Josie's heart beat again. I love that.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

20 Weeks

How far along? 20  Weeks - I am halfway there!
Maternity clothes? Yup
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: Besides a certain 2 year old who has decided to wake up each night at 4:30, I have been sleeping pretty well.
Best moment this week: Learning that we are having a baby girl and that she is developing perfectly! Such great news!
Miss Anything? Coke Zero
Movement: Yup! I love those little taps.
Food cravings:  Not really
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Any pregnancy complications?: Still some sciatic nerve issues and headaches. I did a 5K on Saturday and it helped wiht my sciatic nerve for a few days. Guess that means I am going to have to start walking some more.

Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah.
Gender prediction: No more predicting! I am so excited about my little girl!

Looking forward to: Seeing my daughters together.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Ultrasound and Echo Updates

Yesterday was a big day for little miss Josie (and her parents). She had not one but two 'photo shoots!'

First up was the anatomy ultrasound. The technician took us back a room with multiple beds and machines (I am thinking it is used for NSTs). She said it wasn't the normal room she uses and mentioned that she hadn't used the machine she was able to use since January. Okay... So she gets started and basically tells us nothing besides 'there is a foot' and 'I am measuring the brain'. I guess it is normal that ultrasound technicians not tell you about the things they see; that is the job for the doctors. However, the technician who did many of Sophie's ultrasounds told us everything. She was cranky and very blunt, but I kinda missed kinda missed her yesterday. I had questions about the umbilical cord and growth that I wanted answered and this technician wasn't budging. Anyway, after about 5 minutes of working her magic, she told us that we needed to go back out to the waiting room. She wanted to use the machine in another room and had to wait for it to be free. Joe and I were confused. Why would she start an ultrasound and then tell us she was going to redo it? I started to think that maybe she was getting a doctor because she found something wrong. Ten minutes later she called us back and lead us to the new room. She continued with her scans, randomly announcing an arm moving or something else that I couldn't see. (I wasn't a huge fan of her...can you tell?) Then all of a sudden she zooms in on a spot and says, "Those three white lines means you are having a girl." Man, no build up or warning that we were about to find out our baby's gender. I barely had time to smile with happiness before she took the wand off my stomach and told us that she was finished. Geez... I left feeling kind of dazed. On the one hand I was ecstatic about finding out that my baby is a girl. On the other hand I was baffled and annoyed by the experience we just had. I'm not saying that the technician needed to be warm and bubbly and chatty, but her lack of a personality kind of ruined things. She could have at least let us look at our daughter for a minute before hurrying us out of the room...

So after leaving that somewhat disappointing ultrasound, we headed over to Children's Hospital for the fetal echo. Things went much better here. Not only did we get back quickly, but the technician and nurse were both very friendly and helpful. The technician would also throw out little bits of info, like when Josie had the hiccups or how she was trying to grab her foot at one point. I appreciated those little things. (That other technician could have learned a thing or two from this one). After the echo was finished, the doctor came in to go over the results with us. He said that everything looked perfect! He did mention that there is a possibility that she could have a bicuspid valve that is very minor (like Sophie's) that they might not be able to see. He didn't seem very concerned by this and even said that we wouldn't need to have an echo done on Josie after she is born unless we were really worried and wanted it done for piece of mind. Nah. He reiterated that everything looked great before sending us on our way. I felt so much better after this appointment. Even if we didn't know about Josie's umbilical cord or her size we at least knew that she has a great heart. I finally felt that I was able to smile and get excited about our baby girl!

Today I went for a check-up with my doctor. He found Josie's heartbeat right away (not like that scary experience the last time I had a check-up) and said things sounded great. Then he looked at her ultrasound results. He told us everything looks perfect! All 3 vessels are there in her umbilical cord, her brain looks good, and she is in the 48% percentile for size! Whooo hoooo!  My little Josie is doing great so far! I am so happy and relieved!


Since finding out that I am pregnant, Joe and I have been discussing names. Well, I've been discussing names and Joe has been listening to me (and agreeing). I knew what name I wanted to use for a boy, but I was stuck between two girl names. As our anatomy scan drew closer, I told Joe that he had to pick between the two names. He decided on Josephine Evelyn (insert last name here). We are going to call her Josie for short. Josephine is a nod to Joe, my Grandpa (Joe), and Joe's dad (whose middle name is Joseph). Evelyn was my Grandma's name. It also has a 'Lynn' in there (minus one 'n' - Lynn as a middle name is kind of a family tradition on my side of the family. There are 5 of us with that middle name: me, my sister, my cousin, my niece, Sophie...). I am especially happy that my Grandma and Grandpa P. are represented in her name. They were amazing grandparents and I miss them everyday.

We are so excited to be having another girl! I can't help but smile, thinking about my daughters. I hope they love each other and are close friends. It is going to be so wonderful having two little girls around! Sophie and Josie...I just love it!

**According to, Josephine/Josie means "God shall add" and Evelyn means "Life". God shall add life...perfect!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

It's A....

 (Thanks to Becki for taking these pictures for us.)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

19 Weeks

Tomorrow is a really big day for Raz. At 12:40, we are going to my doctor's for an ultrasound. This one will tell us what we are having and if there are any issues. At 2:30, we are going to Children's Hospital for a fetal echo. I'm a little nervous about both of these appointments. Last time when we went for the anatomy scan, we found out that Sophie had a 2 vessel cord and was in a lower percentile. (Not as scary as what my sister went through at her anatomy scan - finding out her daughter had gastroschisis.) Each ultrasound after showed that Sophie was slipping farther and farther down the percentile scale until she was IUGR. It is hard not to fear that history will repeat itself. Still, regardless of what happens tomorrow, we love Raz and are so happy to have her/him in our lives.

How far along? 19  Weeks
Maternity clothes? I'm wearing a mix of pregnancy clothes and pre-pregnancy clothes.
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: I had some issues with falling asleep this week. Overall it wasn't too bad.
Best moment this week: Today is my 29th birthday! Raz gave me a bunch of happy little taps after school. Combining that with kisses and hugs from Joe and Sophie made it a wonderful day!
Miss Anything? Not having headaches. I very rarely had headaches before being pregnant and I've had them for a week straight now!
Movement: I keep feeling little taps here and there. There have been two times when I think Raz had the hiccups. They didn't last but a few minutes, but I kept feeling little bumps every 15 seconds. So sweet.
Food cravings:  I've realized one craving that I've had throughout my pregnancy. It is a little strange. I want multiple things at the same time that starts with the letter P. So one day it might be peanut M&Ms, pickles and popsicles and another it might be popcorn, peanuts, and pizza. Today I wanted pizza, potatoes (mashed), and peanut butter M&Ms.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Smells. Earlier this week, a student took his shoes off when I was working with his group. I could have puked. The smell lingered and I couldn't go back to the table for the rest of class. So gross! Also, not getting enough to eat is making me a little sick (duh!). Before breakfast is the worst.
Any pregnancy complications?: Sciatic nerve issues and all week long I've been getting headaches. It always starts up in the afternoons. Not sure what that is all about yet.
Have you started to show yet: Yup. 
Gender prediction: Girl (though I caught myself calling the baby my son a few days ago...)

Looking forward to:  tomorrow when we get to find out what we are having, and if all is well with sweet little Raz.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Boy or Girl? - Gender Prediction Time

In exactly one week, we will know if I am having a baby boy or a baby girl! I honestly do not have a preference on what I am having. Normally I roll my eyes when people say that, but this time it is true. It would be wonderful to have a boy. Joe is the only boy in his family, so we would like the family name to be passed down. Plus, it would be nice to have one of each child; I would get to experience the best of both worlds. Then again, I have a little girl already and I know what to expect from them. I absolutely love having a daughter! Plus, we have so many girls clothes that I loved and want to see again. (silly reason, I know) It would be great for Sophie to have a sister, but just a wonderful for her to have a brother. As long as my baby is healthy and will be born, I am a happy Momma.

Even though I don't have a preference on which gender I am hoping for, I still want to know what I am having. All along I have thought that this baby is a girl, though there have been a few days where I thought boy. Most of my friends think that I am having a boy. Joe thinks it is a girl. My mom is thinking boy. When I ask Sophie if she thinks I am having a boy or a girl, she just picks whatever one I say last.

Here are what some of the old wives' tales have to say about it all  (some are just too pointless or personal to answer, so I left them off):

Ring test -Hang your wedding ring (or a ring you wear a lot) on a hair or length of cotton, and get your OH to hang it over your bump. If it moves in circles it’s a girl, back and fourth and it’s a boy.
  •  It moved in a circle for me - GIRL        

Weight gain:
Not yours surprisingly!! The belief is that, if your husband puts on weight during your pregnancy, then you will be having a girl. If he doesn't put on a pound, then you're carrying a boy.
  • Last time Joe put on some weight with me, but this time he hasn't. - BOY
If you're having a girl, then the fetal heart rate will be above 140. A boy will have a heart rate below 140.
  • It has been in the 150s and 160s - GIRL
Bump position
OK so might be to early to tell for most of us but Carrying High is supposed to mean a girl, Carrying Low and out front is a boy.
  • I think it is too soon to tell. My mom thinks I am carrying high. - GIRL
Veiny eyeball
Pull down the skin under your left eye and look at your eyeball (the white part). If you see a vein that looks like a V or branches, you will be having a girl.
  • yup - GIRL
The Mayans determined the sex of the baby by taking the mother's age at conception, and the year of conception. If both are even or both are's a girl. If one is even and one odd it's a boy
  • I was 28 at conception and it was 2012 when the baby was conceived - GIRL
Ask the kids
Apparently if you take a poll of under 5s and ask whether you are having a boy or girl they scarily tend to get it right.
  •  My 3 year old niece says boy. My friend's 3 and 5 year old sons both said boy. - BOY
Shape of Belly
If you are carrying high with a big, round belly, you are having a girl. If you are carrying low with a smaller belly that sticks straight out, it’s a boy.
  • I think it is more big and round. Joe thinks it is smaller and sticking straight out. Someone else mentioned that to me yesterday, so two against one. - BOY 

If you have acne while pregnant, it’s a girl. It’s thought that acne during pregnancy is caused by the extra hormones.
  • I've had a few bigger zits here and there, but nothing out of the ordinary. I haven't had as many zits this time as I did with Sophie though. - BOY  
People believe that if you are craving salty foods while pregnant, you can count on having a boy. If you crave sweets, fruit, and orange juice, you are having a little girl.
  •  I don't have any huge cravings. For a week or so I just wanted pickles, and I've been snacking on pretzels a lot. I also have been eating a lot of chocolate and fruit. Then again, none of this is out of the ordinary for me. I guess if I had to choose, I would say I want more sweets. - GIRL
Moodiness and a Little Pecker (this one is odd, but funny)
If you are really moody, you are having a girl since you have another extra girl hormones in you. Your pregnancy will make you smile and be more happy if you are having a boy because there’s a little penis inside you.
  • Well, this is a strange one. I think more happy than annoyed this time - BOY 
Chinese Gender Chart
The Chinese Gender Chart claims to have an accuracy rate of over 90%. It is based on how old the mother is at conception and the month that she conceived.
  • GIRL 
Mom’s Beauty
Basically you are having a girl if your beauty disappears during pregnancy. It is said that the girl “steals” the mother’s beauty. If you think that pregnancy has never made you look more beautiful, a little boy it is.
  • I don't know. I've had people compliment that I look good, but then again not many people would tell you that you look like crap. I don't think I look as zombie-like as I did with Sophie, so I guess... - BOY
Dream of Sex of Baby
If you have dreams that you are having a boy, you will have a girl. If you dream about having a girl, it will be a boy. Dreams show the opposite of what you are having.
  •  I haven't really had any dreams this time. I had quite a few dreams about a girl with Sophie, even one where I said her full name, so I don't agree with this old wives' tale. - INCONCLUSIVE
Clumsy vs. Graceful
If the pregnant woman is graceful throughout her pregnancy, she’s having a girl. If she becomes clumsy, she’s having a boy.
  • I've been doing okay so far - GIRL
Side You Most Rest On
If a pregnant woman prefers to lay on her left side, she’s having a boy. If she prefers resting on her right side, she’s having a girl.
  • I've been laying on my left side because I know that is the best side to lay on. I don't really have a preference on sides anyway, as long as it is my side. - INCONCLUSIVE
What Do You Think?
71% of the time, the mom-to-be knows what she is having.
  • GIRL
Morning Sickness
If you had a smooth pregnancy with no morning sickness, it’s a boy. If you were sick or felt really nauseous during your pregnancy, count on a girl.
  • I've been really, really lucky. No morning sickness, minus some nausea- BOY
When a pregnant woman craves meat and cheese, count on a boy.
  • There have been some steak cravings and even a few cheese and cracker cravings. - BOY
Are your feet colder now that you are pregnant? If so, you just might be having a boy. If your feet have stayed the same before pregnancy and during, you’re having a little girl.
  • Same - GIRL
If you are having headaches, you might be carrying a boy.
  • No headaches - GIRL
Baby Names
It is said that when you can only think of specific names for a boy or a girl, you will have that particularly baby.
  • I've been very adamant about my boy name (I've loved it for years). I had two girl names that I really liked, so I left that decision up to Joe. - BOY
Even/odd testIf your birth year and your age are both even numbers or both odd numbers then you are going to give birth to a girl. If one is odd, the other even, a boy is on the way
  •  Born in 1983 and I am 28 - BOY
Previous Kids
This tale only applies if you have had previous kids. If you have and that child’s first word was momma, you will have a girl. If your first child’s first word was dadda, you’ll have a boy. 
  • Sophie's first word was Momma - GIRL

Baby Kicks
If the baby kicks on the right side of your tummy, it's a boy, If the baby kicks on the left side of your tummy, it's going to be a girl.
  • I feel more kicks on my left side - GIRL
If this is your second child, look at the back of the neck of your first born. Does the hairline across the back of the neck go straight across, or come to a point? If the hairline goes straight across, your baby will be the same gender that your first born is. If the hairline goes to a point, your baby will be the opposite gender of what your firstborn is.
This website discusses how your previous child's hairline can predict gender. It seemed to work for her. The problem for me is getting to see Sophie's hairline. Every time I try to pull up her hair so I can see, she says, "Top it!" (her way of saying stop it) in a really annoyed voice while batting my hand away. Joe and I think that it is a little pointed, but when looking at this lady's site, her hair seems to resemble 'Zander's' more, which would be straight. Maybe I will attempt a pony tail for Sophie so I can see the hairline better. Until then - GIRL
Obviously you have to take these old wives' tales with a grain of salt. Besides, different websites and different people mix up what is supposed to be a boy and what is supposed to be a girl on these things. Such as the ring test...some websites says that a circle is a girl, while others say a boy. At least it was a little fun to go through all of these predictors.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

18 Weeks

How far along? 18 Weeks
Maternity clothes? I still have a few pants and shirt I can wear, but I went ahead and washed all of my old maternity clothes. I forgot how comfortable my maternity jeans were. I also forgot that those belly panels have a way about them so that you look even rounder! Oh well, it creates a nice bump.
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: Some nights I have trouble getting to sleep, other night I wake up in the middle of the night. I bought Joe and I new pillows on Monday, which has helped some.
Best moment this week: Today I was getting a little stressed at work. I sat down, took a deep breath and Raz gave me a tap right under my belly button. Made me smile and the stress melted away.
Miss Anything? As
Movement: I feel some gentle little kicks here and there. They mostly happpen on my left side, though a few have happened in the midle of my stomach. I have a feeling that my placenta is in the front of my stomach, so that is probably muffling the kicks a little.
Food cravings: Nothing really. With Sophie, I had very distinct cravings that lasted for weeks That isn't really happening this time. Just a random "oh, that sounds good" here and there.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing really. I haven't enjoyed some of my old foods as much as before (like chinese), but nothing has really made me sick.
Any pregnancy complications?: My sciatic nerve is still bothering me. I'm still having dizzy spells as well (this has been happening since I found out I was pregnant.)
Have you started to show yet: Yup. A nice little bump is forming. My principal told me today that I was starting to 'blossom.' I guess it is extremely obvious now.
Gender prediction: Girl

Looking forward to: Giving this baby a name! Only 8 more days!!

I found my first 'belly' shot that Joe took of me with Sophie. I decided to recreate it with this baby.

18 weeks with baby #2
18 weeks with baby #1 (Sophie)