Wednesday, September 12, 2012

19 Weeks

Tomorrow is a really big day for Raz. At 12:40, we are going to my doctor's for an ultrasound. This one will tell us what we are having and if there are any issues. At 2:30, we are going to Children's Hospital for a fetal echo. I'm a little nervous about both of these appointments. Last time when we went for the anatomy scan, we found out that Sophie had a 2 vessel cord and was in a lower percentile. (Not as scary as what my sister went through at her anatomy scan - finding out her daughter had gastroschisis.) Each ultrasound after showed that Sophie was slipping farther and farther down the percentile scale until she was IUGR. It is hard not to fear that history will repeat itself. Still, regardless of what happens tomorrow, we love Raz and are so happy to have her/him in our lives.

How far along? 19  Weeks
Maternity clothes? I'm wearing a mix of pregnancy clothes and pre-pregnancy clothes.
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: I had some issues with falling asleep this week. Overall it wasn't too bad.
Best moment this week: Today is my 29th birthday! Raz gave me a bunch of happy little taps after school. Combining that with kisses and hugs from Joe and Sophie made it a wonderful day!
Miss Anything? Not having headaches. I very rarely had headaches before being pregnant and I've had them for a week straight now!
Movement: I keep feeling little taps here and there. There have been two times when I think Raz had the hiccups. They didn't last but a few minutes, but I kept feeling little bumps every 15 seconds. So sweet.
Food cravings:  I've realized one craving that I've had throughout my pregnancy. It is a little strange. I want multiple things at the same time that starts with the letter P. So one day it might be peanut M&Ms, pickles and popsicles and another it might be popcorn, peanuts, and pizza. Today I wanted pizza, potatoes (mashed), and peanut butter M&Ms.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Smells. Earlier this week, a student took his shoes off when I was working with his group. I could have puked. The smell lingered and I couldn't go back to the table for the rest of class. So gross! Also, not getting enough to eat is making me a little sick (duh!). Before breakfast is the worst.
Any pregnancy complications?: Sciatic nerve issues and all week long I've been getting headaches. It always starts up in the afternoons. Not sure what that is all about yet.
Have you started to show yet: Yup. 
Gender prediction: Girl (though I caught myself calling the baby my son a few days ago...)

Looking forward to:  tomorrow when we get to find out what we are having, and if all is well with sweet little Raz.

1 comment:

  1. I'll be praying for you :) Look forward to hearing how the tests turn out and the gender!!
