Wednesday, August 15, 2012

15 Weeks

Today was the day that I have been dreading: the first day of school. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy teaching and I love getting to know my students each year. I just am not ready to give up my days with Sophie (and my daily naps). The day went well, but I missed my girl. It is going to be even harder when I have to leave two kids behind.

In other news, I went for a check-up yesterday. My mom went with me so that she could entertain Sophie and hear the heartbeat. Oh, that heartbeat. I was so excited to hear it again. I waited patiently while the doctor searched for the heartbeat...and searched...and searched. You could hear my pulse very loudly, but no baby heartbeat. Again and again the doctor searched. I just heard static and my pulse. I was trying very hard not to freak out and to be patient. (Earlier this week I had actually had thought this same scenario would happen.) The doctor finally found a spot where he was able to hear the baby's heartbeat in the background of my pulse (heartbeat in the 150s). Thank goodness! I turned around to see Sophie's reaction, and she had her fingers in her ears. Goofball. I asked why my pulse was so strong this time, and the doctor thinks maybe my placenta is more in the front of my stomach and the baby is behind it. If that is the case then I hope it changes because I don't want to go through that worry of not finding a heartbeat right away again.

How far along? 15 Weeks
Maternity clothes? No, but I think I'm going to have to start wearing dresses to work all the time if I don't start pulling out some maternity dress pants.
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep: I am always tired, but some energy is coming back
Best moment this week: hearing the heartbeat again. This would probably be the scariest moment of the well, too. 
Miss Anything? Coke Zero and wine
Movement: No
Food cravings: No big cravings this week
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really
Any pregnancy complications?:  No *knock on wood*
Have you started to show yet: Yeah. Well, if you know I am pregnant you would think so as my stomach definitely has a bulge to it. If you haven't seen me in awhile or you didn't know I was pregnant you would probably just think I was fat.
Gender prediction: girl
Looking forward to: Feeling the baby kick and knowing what I am having

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