Wednesday, November 14, 2012

28 Weeks

I have been coming home from work so tired and sore each day. I have been feeling like such a wimp. I have just started my third trimester and I'm not that big yet, so why have I been so tired? I couldn't remember feeling like that when I was pregnant with Sophie. Sure every pregnancy is different and Sophie was a lot smaller, not to mention Sophie is 2 and I am constantly doing things with her. Still, it really bothered me that I already was feeling so worn down. Then I got to thinking about my third trimester with Sophie. It started while I was on summer break from school. While I still had meetings to go to, plans to complete and a classroom to get ready, I didn't have to teach all day. It really does make a huge difference!

In other news, I had my glucose test and RHOgam injection today. Two not so pleasant things out of the way. Hopefully I will pass my glucose test and that will be that. I'm anxious to hear those test results.

How far along? 28 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yes. I love those stretchy clothes.
Stretch marks? No other new ones
Sleep: I've had better sleep weeks. Sophie has a double ear infection, so she has been getting up in the middle of the night the past few nights. It has been exhausting, but I keep telling myself that it is preparing me for when Josie gets here. Besides, I'll take sleepless nights if that means I get to comfort my daughter.
Best moment this week: I was able to hear Josie's heartbeat when I went for my RHOgam shot today. I wasn't expecting that, so it really made my day. 

Miss Anything? Walking up the stairs without getting out of breath.
Movement: All the time. Josie loves my right side, so I always feel her moving around over there. 
Food cravings: Taco Bell
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Any pregnancy complications?: Sciatic nerve pain 

Have you started to show yet: yup
Gender: Girl!
Looking forward to: Seeing Josie again. I am supposed to have a growth scan sometime in my third trimester, so hopefully that will be soon.

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