Wednesday, July 25, 2012

12 Weeks

Yesterday we had an ultrasound. I am so glad that we were allowed to have one. Hearing our baby's heartbeat was reassuring, but I was still a little worried that something could be wrong. Seeing our baby took all of those worries away. Everything seemed fine with the baby so far (it is still too small/early to know much, including if the umbilical cord has 2 or 3 vessels). The baby kicked her (prediction only-we still have awhile until we find out) little legs and waved  her little arms for us. She is already a spunky little thing. (I think the baby has it in for big sis, Sophie. Since being pregnant Sophie has been locked in my car and got her finger stuck/cut up. Pregnancy brain is no good.)

This is how we are announcing the pregnancy to people (on Sophie's website. Our parents will receive the actual pictures.)

How far along? 12 Weeks
Maternity clothes? No
Stretch marks? No 
Sleep: I've been super tired this week and haven't been sleeping well during the night
Best moment this week: Seeing our baby!
Have you told family and friends: I've sent out cards to our parents with pictures of Sophie saying I am pregnant, so we're just waiting for a call from all of them saying they know. I did tell my co-workers at our team meeting yesterday, since we were planning for the year and all.
Miss Anything? Wine
Movement: No
Food cravings: Dill pickles. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nah
Any pregnancy complications?: No
Have you started to show yet: I look fatter this week
Gender prediction: Girl
Looking forward to: People knowing

1 comment:

  1. The baby was waving and kicking to signal to you, "It is time to tell Grandma!"
