Wednesday, November 21, 2012

29 Weeks

I had a doctor's appointment today. Just a quick check-up, nothing big. Still, it was a little frustrating. (warning - pregnant girl rant coming on) I have to say, it annoys me when doctors don't look over charts before coming in to talk to you. When she pulled up my information, she zoomed in on the fact that I had a fetal echo performed a few months ago and started questioning why. I explained all of Sophie's history (wouldn't that be in the files though, since it was their office who told me to have the echo done in the first place?). She then told me that everything came back normal from that test. Yeah...I know. I have known that for awhile now. She then told me that my one hour glucose results came back a little elevated. I told her that I knew this and I had already completed the three hour glucose test and that I called and received my results yesterday (I am fine!) She had to search around in her files to confirm that I was correct. I asked her about a growth scan this trimester and she just kinda waved it off, handing me my check-out information while saying we would schedule it around my 32 week visit. I guess that is okay since everything seems fine with Josie so far. Still, with all of the issues we had with Sophie's growth, I would kinda like an update on Josie's growth sooner rather than later. I had another question to ask, but the doctor was already halfway out of the door. I had to call after her to get her to listen to and answer my question. Geez. This was the first time I had seen this particular doctor and I wasn't that impressed by her (can you tell?). I'm glad that I already have my c-section scheduled with my favorite doc!

How far along? 29 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No other new ones

Sleep: I'm up at least twice a night (restroom). I can fall back asleep pretty easily though, which is nice. I still wish I had some uninterrupted sleep though.
Best moment this week: Learning that I passed my three hour glucose test. No gestational diabetes for this girl! I am so happy about this.

Miss Anything? energy
Movement: Yup. I love taking baths so I can see my stomach move around.
Food cravings: Nothing really
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Any pregnancy complications?: Sciatic nerve pain and some hip pain. I also had my first case of swollen legs/feet this past weekend. It was my own fault for wearing knee high boots for a few hours. Gross! 

Have you started to show yet: oh yeah
Gender: Girl!
Looking forward to: January 30th. Only 10 weeks until I get to see my new baby girl! 

I wanted Sophie to come over to give Josie a kiss. Cosmo came over instead. Hopefully she likes/tolerates Josie as much as she does Sophie.

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