I'm so excited! Our basement is finally finished! It has been a work in progress since this summer and the end date kept getting pushed back farther and farther. I cried for about two hours lost my cool this weekend when Joe told me that it was going to take more time. I was just so frustrated. While my rational side knows that the people who were working on it have other lives, jobs, and things to do, my crazy pregnancy side took over and I just lost it. Let's see if you can follow my preggo train of thought...
Josie's room was Sophie's playroom. In order to start fixing up Josie's room, all of the toys
(including some big ones) had to come out. Instead of them going to the living room or Sophie's room, they would go in the new playroom in the basement, whenever that was ready. So until the basement was finished, Josie's room would have to wait. That also meant that a bunch of other projects would have to wait, since it is kinda domino effect
(one can't start until the other is finished). Doesn't seem like such a big deal, except that we have a deadline coming up. Josie will be here in 8 weeks. That is still enough time to get everything done. However, I have a lot of fears
(very valid ones, in my opinion). When I was pregnant with Sophie, I was put on bed rest around 34 or 35 weeks and was induced at 37 weeks. There were many things, both at home and school, that I wasn't able to get finished. I don't want that to happen again this time. So far I haven't had any issues with this pregnancy that would suggest history will repeat itself. However, I can't help but worry
(I'm a natural worrier, too, so pregnancy has just increased my fretting). We had so many different issues with Sophie, and there was the miscarriage of baby #2, so I can't help but wonder what is going to happen this time. When is the other shoe going to drop? Hopefully it won't and the only issue will be that I have driven myself crazy waiting for something to happen. Still, I want to get everything done as soon as possible just in case.
Anyway, the basement is finished now
(minus some painting)! Thank goodness! The old playroom has also been painted and the crib is put together. However, crazy preggo me isn't in love with the crib. It was passed on to my mom, and she said we could have it for the baby. I thought it was white, but it is instead an antique cream color
(which doesn't go with the grey paint in the room). It also has a drop side, which is a big no-no in cribs nowadays. Normal people would just go with the flow, be appreciative of what they have, and get on with decorating the nursery. I am not one of those normal people though and apparently like to make everything more difficult than it has to be
(yes, I sound like an ungrateful brat). Joe and I talked about what to do and tossed around ideas. We decided that instead of moving the changing table and recliner into the new bedroom and using a possibly unsafe crib, we are going to have Josie take over Sophie's room. The room is basically ready for a baby, and she can just use Sophie's crib. Sophie will move into the old playroom. We discussed taking the drop side off of the crib so that it is a toddler bed
(it is a crib that can do that), but decided against that
(due to my crazy 'the colors don't match' thought). Instead we are ordering a
(cheap) white toddler bed for her. I hope that Sophie does okay with the change of rooms. It is my goal to have her new room finished very soon so she has time to get used to that change before the even bigger change of having a new baby in the house happens.
I am one tired momma |
How far along? 31 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? Just the one small addition
Sleep: I am always beat when I get home from work, especially on Wednesdays (the day I do this blog) because I tutor kids in math after school. Even though I am tired, I never get a 'good night's sleep' - I'm still getting up multiple times in the night to use the restroom. So frustrating!
Best moment this week: Seeing our finished basement! Let the nesting begin!
Miss Anything? wine and beer - they would have come in handy this weekend
Movement: Absolutely
Food cravings: oreos and orange juice
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Any pregnancy complications?: Not this week. My body has been nice to me after it rebelled on me last week.
Have you started to show yet: yup
Gender: Girl!
Looking forward to: My doctor's appointment next Tuesday. We should be able to schedule my growth scan. I can't wait to see Josie again!