Wednesday, December 26, 2012

34 Weeks

We have been checking things off our giant list of things to do this week. The crib is all ready. Newborn and 0-3 month clothes are cleaned and put away. Pre-admission stuff at the hospital is taken care of. We still have a lot more to do before we are really ready for Josie to get here, but we are making progress.
How far along? 34 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? Yeah - see comments from previous weeks

Sleep: I can't get enough of it. I feel so cranky due to being tired. Now that I am on winter break I can nap with Sophie at least. I have no idea what I am going to do when break is over.

Best moment this week: Christmas! I can't wait until next year so that we can celebrate Christmas as a family of 4!
Miss Anything? sleep
Movement: Always

Food cravings: Sweets. My students gave me a ton of chocolate for Christmas, so I am covered in this area.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just this stupid cold that I came down with. I am pathetic when I am sick, so add that to my already exhausted state and you will get meltdown city! Poor Joe and Sophie for having to put up with me this week.
Any pregnancy complications?: My sciatic nerve has been working overtime this week. It has also decided to get my right knee in on the action. I've broken down and taken pain meds (safe ones for pregnancy) a few different days. They really help, but I hate taking medicine. Besides that, my hormones and exhaustion have been taking over lately. I become grouchy and easily annoyed at least twice a week, which then leads into a crying spell. I have no control over it, which frustrates me even more.
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender: Girl!

Looking forward to: January 30th - 5 more weeks!
Sophie was so tired, much like me in last week's picture.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

33 Weeks

How far along? 33 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yup. I can still mix in pre-pregnancy comfy pants and shirts, though the shirts are generally too short now. If I don't have a long enough tank top on underneath, my belly hangs out. Gross!
Stretch marks? Yeah. I am more veiny this time around though.

Sleep: I have started taking naps again. I'm always so tired!

Best moment this week: Seeing Josie again! The growth scan ultrasound went great! Josie is measuring in the 44th percentile and she is an estimated 4 lb 3 oz already! (just 4 oz away from Sophie's birth weight at 37 weeks). Her heart beat was strong, there was fluid in her stomach and kidneys which means that she has been practicing breathing (her daily hiccups already let me know this), and everything else looked as it should. Phew! She also appears to already have a ton of hair. The technician kept commenting on it. "Oh, my that is a lot of hair!" (while pointing to a bunch of white stuff around Josie's head.) I guess this means I won't have to glue bows in her hair like I did for Sophie. We might just have another goofball on our hands, too. At one point during the ultrasound, Josie looked straight at us (you know what I mean) and stuck her tongue out. It makes me smile just thinking about it!
Miss Anything? sleep
Movement: I love watching my stomach move underneath my shirts. I'm pretty sure it freaked some of my friends out earlier this week though. ha!

Food cravings: sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick: Earlier this week I had to leave my math class because my orange juice wasn't sitting well with me. I haven't puked in months, so it threw me for a loop. My sweet students were concerned about me. I love my other kids!
Any pregnancy complications?: At the start of the week my left cheekbone was killing me (as if I was getting a sinus infection). That isn't really pregnancy related, but when you combine it with sciatic nerve problems, back aches, breathlessness, leg cramps, and exhaustion you get one unhappy preggo. Luckily that symptom went away after a few days and now I am just left with all the other ones (I've been dealing with those, so no biggie). I think I am about to get a cold though, so that should be fun.
Have you started to show yet: of course
Gender: Girl!

Looking forward to: Finishing Josie's room. I have changed my mind again and decided that Sophie should keep her old room. We tried having her sleep in her new bed in the other room, but it only lasted one night. After that she wanted to go back to her old room with her crib. So, this past weekend my dad helped me move the crib over to Josie's new room and Sophie's toddler bed to her room. (Sophie is sleeping much better now and hasn't asked for her crib). We still have a ton to do in Josie's room, but I love that it is starting to come together.
Don't mind how awful I look here. I am beyond exhausted here and starting to feel sick! Only one more day until Winter Break at school. It can't come soon enough.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

32 Weeks

I had to bribe Sophie with candy to pose with me. She wanted to watch Mickey Mouse instead.
How far along? 32 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? I looks like there are small additions to two other old stretch marks. Sophie was only a 4lb 7oz baby at 37 weeks, so I'm sure that more additions are in my future.

Sleep: I am still very tired each day. I'm still getting up multiple times a night. However, when I sleep on the couch with a cushion right behind my back I don't get up (or only get up once). The couch might be my new bed here very soon.

Best moment this week: I had a good (and quick) doctor's appointment yesterday. Things were looking good with me, which is always good to hear. The doctor predicted that Josie will be in the 40-50th percentile. We have a growth scan next Tuesday, so we will see if he is correct.
Miss Anything? Walking without my sciatic nerve acting up and sleep.
Movement: Lots. Her new favorite thing is pushing on and kicking my bladder. Not so nice.

Food cravings: Ice cold water
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Any pregnancy complications?: I've been overly emotional the past two weeks, mostly on the weekends. My sciatic nerve has been acting up again as well.
Have you started to show yet: obviously
Gender: Girl!

Looking forward to: Seeing Josie on Tuesday! Less than a week!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

31 Weeks

I'm so excited! Our basement is finally finished! It has been a work in progress since this summer and the end date kept getting pushed back farther and farther. I cried for about two hours lost my cool this weekend when Joe told me that it was going to take more time. I was just so frustrated. While my rational side knows that the people who were working on it have other lives, jobs, and things to do, my crazy pregnancy side took over and I just lost it. Let's see if you can follow my preggo train of thought...
Josie's room was Sophie's playroom. In order to start fixing up Josie's room, all of the toys (including some big ones) had to come out. Instead of them going to the living room or Sophie's room, they would go in the new playroom in the basement, whenever that was ready. So until the basement was finished, Josie's room would have to wait. That also meant that a bunch of other projects would have to wait, since it is kinda domino effect (one can't start until the other is finished). Doesn't seem like such a big deal, except that we have a deadline coming up. Josie will be here in 8 weeks. That is still enough time to get everything done. However, I have a lot of fears (very valid ones, in my opinion). When I was pregnant with Sophie, I was put on bed rest around 34 or 35 weeks and was induced at 37 weeks. There were many things, both at home and school, that I wasn't able to get finished. I don't want that to happen again this time. So far I haven't had any issues with this pregnancy that would suggest history will repeat itself. However, I can't help but worry (I'm a natural worrier, too, so pregnancy has just increased my fretting). We had so many different issues with Sophie, and there was the miscarriage of baby #2, so I can't help but wonder what is going to happen this time. When is the other shoe going to drop? Hopefully it won't and the only issue will be that I have driven myself crazy waiting for something to happen. Still, I want to get everything done as soon as possible just in case.
Anyway, the basement is finished now (minus some painting)! Thank goodness! The old playroom has also been painted and the crib is put together. However, crazy preggo me isn't in love with the crib. It was passed on to my mom, and she said we could have it for the baby. I thought it was white, but it is instead an antique cream color (which doesn't go with the grey paint in the room). It also has a drop side, which is a big no-no in cribs nowadays. Normal people would just go with the flow, be appreciative of what they have, and get on with decorating the nursery. I am not one of those normal people though and apparently like to make everything more difficult than it has to be (yes, I sound like an ungrateful brat). Joe and I talked about what to do and tossed around ideas. We decided that instead of moving the changing table and recliner into the new bedroom and using a possibly unsafe crib, we are going to have Josie take over Sophie's room. The room is basically ready for a baby, and she can just use Sophie's crib. Sophie will move into the old playroom. We discussed taking the drop side off of the crib so that it is a toddler bed (it is a crib that can do that), but decided against that (due to my crazy 'the colors don't match' thought). Instead we are ordering a (cheap) white toddler bed for her. I hope that Sophie does okay with the change of rooms. It is my goal to have her new room finished very soon so she has time to get used to that change before the even bigger change of having a new baby in the house happens.

I am one tired momma
How far along? 31 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? Just the one small addition

Sleep: I am always beat when I get home from work, especially on Wednesdays (the day I do this blog) because I tutor kids in math after school. Even though I am tired, I never get a 'good night's sleep' - I'm still getting up multiple times in the night to use the restroom. So frustrating!

Best moment this week: Seeing our finished basement! Let the nesting begin!
Miss Anything? wine and beer - they would have come in handy this weekend
Movement: Absolutely

Food cravings: oreos and orange juice
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Any pregnancy complications?: Not this week. My body has been nice to me after it rebelled on me last week.
Have you started to show yet: yup
Gender: Girl!

Looking forward to: My doctor's appointment next Tuesday. We should be able to schedule my growth scan. I can't wait to see Josie again!